Ballett Zürich

Ballett Zürich - a portrait

The Ballett Zürich is the largest professional ballet company in Switzerland. Based at the Opernhaus Zürich, the ensemble of 36 dancers not only performs a considerable part of the Opernhaus repertoire, but is also celebrated at international guest performances (including appearances in Russia, Israel, Mexico, Colombia, Spain, Australia, Germany and Great Britain).

British-Swiss choreographer Cathy Marston has been the new director of Ballett Zürich since the start of the 2023/24 season. The highlight of her first season as ballet director was the world premiere of her ballet Atonement, based on the novel of the same name by Ian McEwan. Ballett Zürich also danced new pieces by Meryl Tankard and Mthuthuzeli November as well as the legendary choreography Les Noces by Bronislawa Nijinska.
In the 2024/25 season, Cathy Marston will present her new ballet Clara, which centres on the great pianist and composer Clara Schumann. Kim Brandstrup and Bryan Arias will also create new pieces for the company.

The current ensemble arose from the erstwhile Ballet des Stadttheater Zürich. As early as the 1920s, performances with dancers took place here. One of the first milestones was the 1935 premiere of the ballet Der Teufel im Dorf by Pia and Pino MlakaHowever, a company that both dances the classics and embraces tradition did not emerge until after World War II. In 1956, Jaroslav Berger led the Zurich premiere of Schwanensee. The company was subsequently shaped by its directors Nicholas Beriozoff (1964-1971), Patricia Neary (1978-1985), Uwe Scholz (1985-1991), Bernd Bienert (1991-1996), and Heinz Spoerli (1996-2012).

From 2012 to 2023, the Ballett Zürich was directed by German choreographer Christian Spuck. He explored new avenues for the full-length narrative ballet while also devoting himself to genre-spanning forms of expression, among them a staging of the Verdi-Requiem realized as a co-production by the Oper Zürich and the Ballett Zürich. Spuck’s ballet production of Winterreise was awarded with the renowned «Prix Benois de la Danse». His production of Helmut Lachenmann’s Das Mädchen mit den Schwefelhölzern was named the 2020 «Produktion des Jahres» by the «tanz» journal. That same year, the Ballett Zürich was named «Kompanie des Jahres». Choreographers such as Wayne McGregor, Edward Clug, Marco Goecke, Douglas Lee, Marcos Morau, and Crystal Pite created new works for the company. William Forsythe, Jirí Kylián, and Hans van Manen and their works were regular features each season. In 2016, Alexei Ratmansky’s reconstruction of the original 1895 Schwanensee choreography by Petipa/Ivanov received broad international acclaim.

The Junior Ballet was founded in 2001. Fourteen young dancers from all over the world train here together with the members of the Ballett Zürich, dance with them in selected repertoire performances, and regularly present programs put together especially for them. This season, the three-part evening The Butterfly Effect is being produced in collaboration with climate scientists from ETH Zurich.

Since 2012, the Junge Choreografen series has been held every other year, focusing on the promotion of up-and-coming choreographers. The series will now continue under the new name Next Generation.

Performances by Ballett Zürich are accompanied by a comprehensive supporting program including the new ballet discussion series Zurich Talks Dance, introductory matinees before premieres, introductions to works before performances, and a variety of special children’s, youth, and school projects.

Partner Ballett Zürich

Ballett Zürich

Director and Chief Choreographer
Cathy Marston

Managing Director
Florian König

Executive Assistant
Ajda Vičič

Production Manager
Mikel Jauregui

Michael Küster

Public Relations
Michael Krüger

Rehearsal Directors
Jean-François Boisnon, Anastacia Holden, Daniel Otevrel

Ballet Pianists
Christophe Barwinek, Luigi Largo

Director of Artistic Health
Oiver Ransan-Elliott

Education and Outreach
Bettina Holzhausen


Bryan Arias, Patrice Bart,
Kim Brandstrup, William Forsythe, Cathy Marston,
Kenneth MacMillan †, Wayne McGregor, Crystal Pite,
Ihsan Rustem, Lucas Valente

Daniel Capps, Ermanno Florio,
Robert Houssart, Jonathan Lo

Stage Design
Hildegard Bechtler, Richard Hudson, Patrick Kinmonth,
Michael Levine,Lukas Marian, Julian Opie, Jürgen Rose,
Luisa Spinatelli, Jay Gower Taylor

Costume Design
Bregje van Balen, Linda Chow,
Richard Hudson, Moritz Junge, Jürgen Rose, Luisa Spinatelli, Yumiko Takeshima

Light, Sound & Video Design
Alan Brodie, Chris Ekers, Lucy Carter, William Forsythe, Jim French, Martin Gebhardt, Lukas Marian, John B. Read


1. Soloists

Karen Azatyan

Karen Azatyan, 1. Soloists

Clara11, 15 Oct 2024

Esteban Berlanga

Esteban Berlanga, 1. Soloists

Esteban Berlanga, 1. Soloists

Esteban Berlanga comes from Spain. After his training at the Royal Conservatory of Albacete and the Professional Dance Conservatory of Madrid, he danced at the English National Ballet from 2006 to 2013, where he was appointed principal dancer in 2012. Here he appeared as Prince Siegfried in Schwanensee by Derek Dean, the Prince in Kenneth MacMillan’s Dornröschen, Albrecht in Giselle by Mary Skeaping, the Nutcracker in the choreography by Wayne Eagling and Frédéric in L’Arlésienne by Roland Petit, among others. He also appeared in choreographies by Jiří Kylián and Maurice Béjart. He was nominated for the «Prix Benois de la Danse» for Faun(e) by David Dawson. He was principal dancer in the Compañia Nacional de Danza España from 2013-2018. There he performed as a soloist in choreographies by William Forsythe, Itzik Galili, Roland Petit, Aleix Mañé and Kenneth MacMillan. He has appeared with the English National Ballet, the Australian Ballet, the Nariko Kobayashi Ballet, and the Carmen Cortès Flamenco Company. He has been a member of Ballett Zürich since the 2018/19 season, where he has performed in Christian Spuck’s Winterreise and in the title role of Marco Goecke’s Nijinski.

Clara11, 15 Oct 2024

Brandon Lawrence

Brandon Lawrence, 1. Soloists

Brandon Lawrence, 1. Soloists

Brandon Lawrence stammt aus Grossbritannien. Seine Ballettausbildung erhielt er an der Royal Ballet School. Er wurde mit dem Phyllis Bedells Award ausgezeichnet und war mehrfach als bester klassischer Tänzer bei den britischen National Dance Awards nominiert. Von 2011 bis 2023 tanzte er im Birmingham Royal Ballet, seit 2019 als Principal Dancer. Wichtige Rollen waren Prinz (Der Nussknacker), Franz (Coppélia), Prinz Florimund (The Sleeping Beauty), Prinz Siegfried (Schwanensee) in Choreografien von Peter Wright, Romeo in Kenneth MacMillans Romeo und Julia, Colas in Frederick Ashtons La Fille mal gardée, Prinz (Cinderella), Beast (The Beauty and the Beast), Albrecht (Giselle) und Otello (Shakespeare Suite) in Choreografien von David Bintley. Neben zahlreichen weiteren Balletten von MacMillan, Ashton und Bintley war Brandon Lawrence in Choreografien von Carlos Acosta, Edward Clug, Jiří Kylián, Jessica Lang, José Limon, Juliano Nunes, Twyla Tharp und Uwe Scholz zu erleben. 2022 war er Principal Guest Artist beim Cape Town City Ballet. Seit der Saison 2023/24 ist Brandon Lawrence Erster Solist des Balletts Zürich.

Nancy Osbaldeston

Nancy Osbaldeston, 1. Soloists

Clara11, 15 Oct 2024

Elena Vostrotina

Elena Vostrotina, 1. Solistin

Elena Vostrotina, 1. Solistin

Elena Vostrotina comes from St. Petersburg. She received her ballet education at the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet. In 2003 she became a member of the Mariinsky Ballet. There she danced among others Odette/Odile in Schwanensee (Petipa/Ivanov), Myrtha in Giselle (Coralli/Perrot), Queen of the Dryads in Don Quixote (Gorsky) and in Approximate Sonata (Forsythe). In 2006 she was engaged by Aaron S. Watkin at the Semperoper Ballett Dresden. Here she was appointed principal dancer and danced a wide repertoire of classical, neoclassical and modern ballets. She has collaborated with renowned choreographers and performed at the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Moscow Academic Music Theater in Moscow, at the State Theater Novosibirsk, at the gala «Roberto Bolle and Friends», and at the Ballets Bubeníček. Elena Vostrotina has been a first soloist at Ballett Zürich since the 2017/18 season, where season she has appeared as Odette/Odile in Ratmansky’s Schwanensee reconstruction, as the nursemaid in Christian Spuck’s Romeo und Julia, Myrtha in Patrice Bart’s Giselle as well as in Christian Spuck’s Nussknacker und Mausekönig, Winterreise and Nocturne.

Charles-Louis Yoshiyama

Charles-Louis Yoshiyama, 1. Soloists

Charles-Louis Yoshiyama, 1. Soloists

Charles-Louis Yoshiyama hat die japanische und die französische Staatsbürgerschaft. Seine Tanzausbildung erhielt er am Trinity College in London und an der English Ballet School. 2007 wurde er Mitglied des Houston Ballet, 2016 wurde er zum Principal Dancer ernannt. Wichtige Rollen waren Kronprinz Rudolf in Mayerling und De Grieux in Manon von Kenneth MacMillan sowie Oberon in John Neumeiers Sommernachtstraum. Ausserdem tanzte er in L’Arlésienne von Roland Petit und zahlreichen Werken von George Balanchine. In Choreografien von Ben Stevenson verkörperte er Basilio (Don Quixote), Prinz Florimund (Sleeping Beauty), Franz (Coppélia), Mercutio (Romeo und Julia) und Prinz (Der Nussknacker). In Choreografien von Stanton Welch war er Siegfried (Schwanensee), Solar (La Bayadère) und Albrecht (Giselle). In John Crankos The Taming of the Shrew tanzte er Lucentio und Hortensio. 2023 war Charles-Louis Yoshiyama Principal Dancer des Oregon Ballet Theatre. Seit der Saison 2023/24 ist er Erster Solist des Balletts Zürich.


Inna Bilash

Inna Bilash, Soloists

Inna Bilash, Soloists

Inna Bilash comes from Ukraine. She studied ballet at the Kharkov Choreographic School, the Perm State Choreographic College and the Perm State Academy of Arts and Culture. She was a principal dancer in the Perm Ballet, where she appeared as Julia in Kenneth MacMillan’s Romeo und Julia, Odette/Odile in Natalia Makorova’s Schwanensee, Giselle in the choreography of Perrot/Coralli/Petipa, the Bride in Kylián’s Les Noces and Masha in MacMillan’s Winter Dreams. She has also appeared as a soloist in choreographies by Jerome Robbins, George Balanchine and Douglas Lee. She won the Arabesque Competition in Perm and the Bolshoi Ballet Television Competition. In 2017 she was awarded the prize from the ballet magazine «The Soul of Dance». Inna Bilash has been a member of Ballett Zürich since the 2018/19 season and has appeared in a variety of roles, including as the title role in Patrice Bart’s Giselle.

Clara11, 15 Oct 2024

Wei Chen

Wei Chen, Soloists

Wei Chen, Soloists

Wei Chen comes from the USA and received his education at the Boston Ballet School, the Margo Marshall School of Ballet, the Walnut Hill School, and the Houston Ballet’s Ben Stevenson Academy. At the Royal Ballet of Flanders he danced in Marcia Haydées Schwanensee (Siegfried) and Dornröschen (Prince Desiré) as well as in Cranko’s Onegin (Lensky). He has also appeared in choreographies by Balanchine, Bournonville, Dawson, Forsythe, Godani, McGregor, Nureyev, Pite, Stevenson, and Wheeldon. He has been a member of Ballett Zürich since the 2013/14 season and has performed in choreographies by Douglas Lee, Jiří Kylián, Marco Goecke, Edward Clug, William Forsythe, and Crystal Pite, among others. He also danced Romeo and Mercutio in Spuck’s Romeo und Julia, Benno in Ratmansky’s Schwanensee, Coppelius in Spuck’s Der Sandmann, and Albrecht in Patrice Bart’s Giselle.

Max Richter

Max Richter, Soloists

Max Richter, Soloists

Max Richter stammt aus den USA und absolvierte die Ballettausbildung an der International City School of Ballet und beim Houston Ballet II. Bei der USA International Ballet Competition 2014 erhielt Max die Silbermedaille. Wichtige Rollen während des Engagaments beim Houston Ballet waren Angel in Cathy Marstons Summer and Smoke, Odette/Odile in Stanton Welchs Schwanensee sowie Solopartien in Balletten von Ben Stevenson, Arthur Pita und Aszure Barton. Seit der Saison 2023/24 ist Max Richter Mitglied des Balletts Zürich.

Clara11, 15 Oct 2024

Shelby Williams

Shelby Williams, Soloists

Shelby Williams, Soloists

Shelby Williams hat die amerikanische und die italienische Staatsbürgerschaft. Sie studierte an der Houston Ballet Academy, an der Washington School of Ballet und am Dancer’s Workshop Baton Rouge (Louisiana, USA). Nach Engagements beim Semperoper Ballett, dem Corella Ballet und dem Ballet d’Europe war sie Solistin beim Ballett Mainz, beim Hessischen Staatsballett in Wiesbaden und von 2016 bis 2023 beim Royal Ballet of Flanders. Sie tanzte Pina/Malou in Café Müller von Pina Bausch, Rusalka in der gleichnamigen Choreografie von Alan Lucien Øyen, Myrtha in Akram Khans Giselle sowie weitere Hauptrollen in Choreografien von Martha Graham, Édouard Lock, Johan Inger, Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, Andonis Foniadakis, Douglas Lee und Jermaine Spivey. Seit der Spielzeit 2023/24 ist Shelby Williams Mitglied des Balletts Zürich.

Clara11, 15 Oct 2024

Joel Woellner

Joel Woellner, Soloists

Clara11, 15 Oct 2024

Solo with Group

Sean Bates

Sean Bates, Solo with Group

Sean Bates, Solo with Group

Sean Bates stammt aus Grossbritannien und studierte an der Royal Ballet School. 2009 gewann er den 2. Preis beim Young British Dancer of the Year, 2010 erhielt er den RBS Ursula Moreton Choreographic Award. Von 2012 bis 2023 war er im Northern Ballet in Leeds engagiert und dort in zahlreichen Hauptrollen zu erleben, so in Cathy Marstons Jane Eyre und Victoria, David Nixons The Great Gatsby, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Cinderella, Dracula, Madame Butterfly, Wuthering Heights, The Nutcracker, The Little Mermaid und The Three Musketeers. Ausserdem tanzte er in Choreografien von Kenneth MacMillan, Jean-Christophe Maillot, Liam Scarlett, Lar Lubovitch, Christopher Hampson und Mark Godden. Seit der Saison 2023/24 ist Sean Bates Mitglied des Balletts Zürich.

Chandler Dalton

Chandler Dalton, Solo with Group

Chandler Dalton, Solo with Group

Chandler Dalton ist Amerikaner. Seine Ballettausbildung erhielt er an der School of Richmond Ballet und an der Ben Stevenson Academy des Houston Ballet. Während seines Engagements beim Houston Ballet tanzte er u.a. James in Bournonvilles La Sylphide, Prinz/Drosselmeier in Stanton Welchs Nussknacker sowie in Balletten von Christopher Bruce, James Kudelka, John Neumeier, Jerome Robbins, George Balanchine, Aszure Barton, Arthur Pita und Ben Stevenson. Seit der Spielzeit 2023/24 ist er Mitglied des Balletts Zürich.

Clara11, 15 Oct 2024

Francesca Dell'Aria

Francesca Dell'Aria, Solo with Group

Francesca Dell'Aria, Solo with Group

Francesca Dell’Aria comes from Italy. She received her training at the Elmhurst School and the Birmingham Royal Ballet. After an engagement with the Slovak National Ballet, she was a member of the Bayerisches Staatsballett from 2010 to 2014. She has belonged to Ballett Zürich since the 2014/15 season and has appeared in choreographies by William Forsythe (New Sleep, workwithinwork, In the middle, The Second Detail), Jiří Kylián (Gods and Dogs, Falling Angels), George Balanchine, Hans van Manen (Kammerballett) Jacopo Godani, Douglas Lee, Edward Clug, Marco Goecke (Nijinski), and Crystal Pite. She also appeared in the title role of Christian Spuck’s Anna Karenina and as Myrtha in Patrice Bart’s Giselle. She was awarded with the «Tanzpreis der Freunde des Balletts Zürich» in 2019.

Clara11, 15 Oct 2024

Jesse Fraser

Jesse Fraser, Solo with Group

Jesse Fraser, Solo with Group

Jesse Fraser was born in Saskatoon, Canada. He trained at the Royal Winnipeg Ballet School and became a member of the Stuttgart Ballet with the 2010/11 season. There he danced in choreographies by Cranko, MacMillan, Spuck, Haydée, Neumeier, Béjart, Forsythe, Cherkaoui, Goecke, Clug, Volpi, and Stiens. He created the choreographies Back and Forth and Second Self(ie) as a part of the «Young Choreographers» of the Noverre Society series. He has been a member of Ballett Zürich since the 2015/16 season. He has appeared as Paris in Christian Spuck’s Romeo und Julia, as Levin in Spuck’s Anna Karenina, as Hilarion in Patrice Bart’s Giselle, in Marco Goecke’s Petruschka and in choreographies by Jacopo Godani, Jiří Kylián, Hans van Manen, and Crystal Pite. In the 2019/20 season he appeared in Forsythe’s The Second Detail.

Jorge García Pérez

Jorge García Pérez, Solo with Group

Jorge García Pérez, Solo with Group

Jorge García Pérez ist Spanier. Seine Tanzausbildung erhielt er am Estudio de Danza María de Ávila. Schon mit 15 Jahren tanzte er im Sybaa Ballet sowie anschliessend im Malandain Ballet Biarritz II. 2005 gewann er die Goldmedaille beim Premio Roma-Wettbewerb. Daraufhin engagierte ihn Heinz Spoerli ins Junior Ballett und wenig später ins Ballett Zürich. 2008 wurde er Solist am Ballett Theater Basel, wo er unter Richard Wherlock in vierzehn Spielzeiten zahlreiche Hauptrollen tanzte. 2011 entstand seine erste Choreografie Match(ing) Sounds. Seitdem folgten zahlreiche Preise bei internationalen Wettbewerben, u. a. beim Choreografiewettbewerb Hannover, Bugos-New York International Choreographic Competition und beim Emergent Chorographers Contest. Seit der Saison 2023/24 ist Jorge García Pérez erneut Mitglied des Balletts Zürich.

Daniela Gómez Pérez

Daniela Gómez Pérez, Solo with Group

Daniela Gómez Pérez, Solo with Group

Daniela Gómez Pérez stammt aus Kuba. Sie studierte an der Fernando Alonso National Ballet School und am Instituto Superior de Arte de Cuba. Von 2015 bis 2023 war sie Principal Dancer beim Kubanischen Nationalballett. Unter Leitung von Alicia Alonso tanzte sie Hauptrollen in Coppélia, Giselle, Schwanensee und Der Nussknacker. Ausserdem war sie in Choreografien von Peter Quanz, Brian McDonald, George Balanchine, Annabelle Lopez Ochoa, Cathy Marston, Ricardo Amarante, Alexei Ratmansky, Uwe Scholz, Ben Stevenson, Michail Fokine und Gemma Bond zu erleben. Für ihre Interpretation von Daniel Proiettos Cigne erhielt sie den Eintrag ins Goldene Buch des Gran Teatro de La Habana. Seit dieser Spielzeit ist sie Mitglied des Balletts Zürich.

Irmina Kopaczynska

Irmina Kopaczynska, Solo with Group

Irmina Kopaczynska, Solo with Group

Irmina Kopaczynska was born in Poland. She studied at the Polish National Ballet School Poznan. She won several prizes in the Polish National Ballet Competition. She also took part in the «Premio Roma» and the «Prix de Lausanne». After two seasons with the Junior Ballett, she became a member of Ballett Zürich starting with the 2011/12 season. She danced the Silver Fairy in Mats Ek’s Dornröschen, Betsy in Christian Spuck’s Anna Karenina, and the Nursemaid in Spuck’s Romeo und Julia. She has also appeared in choreographies by William Forsythe (In the middle, New Sleep), Hans van Manen (Kammerballett), Jiří Kylián (Gods and Dogs, Bella Figura), Iacopo Godani, Edward Clug, Marco Goecke (including the Mother in Nijinski), Douglas Lee, and Crystal Pite.

Mlindi Kulashe

Mlindi Kulashe, Solo with Group

Mlindi Kulashe, Solo with Group

Mlindi Kulashe hat die südafrikanische und die britische Staatsbürgerschaft. Seine Tanzausbildung absolvierte er an der English National Ballet School. Beim Margot-Fonteyn-Wettbewerb 2011 gewann er die Bronzemedaille. Von 2013 bis 2023 tanzte er im Northern Ballet in Leeds. Dort war er in Hauptrollen in Balletten von Cathy Marston (Jane Eyre, Victoria), David Nixon (Dracula, The Little Mermaid, The Great Gatsby, Der Nussknacker), Jean-Christophe Maillot (Romeo und Julia) und Kenneth MacMillan (Gloria) zu erleben. Seit Anfang 2023 ist er Mitglied des Balletts Zürich.

Sujung Lim

Sujung Lim, Solo with Group

Sujung Lim, Solo with Group

Sujung Lim comes from South Korea. She was educated at the Yewon Arts High School and at the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Mannheim. She was with the Ballett Karlsruhe from 2011-2018, where she performed in Rusalka by Jiří Bubeníček, La Sylphide by Peter Schaufuss, Der Nussknacker by Youri Vamos, Le Sacre du printemps by Terence Kohler, Giselle by Peter Wright and Anne Frank by Reginaldo Oliveira. She won gold medals at the Tanzolymp Berlin in 2008 and 2011. Sujung Lim has been a member of Ballett Zürich since the 2017/18 season.

Clara11, 15 Oct 2024

Pablo Octávio

Pablo Octávio, Solo with Group

Pablo Octávio, Solo with Group

Pablo Octávio ist Brasilianer. Er studierte an der Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Mannheim. Er war Finalist beim Prix de Lausanne 2011. Von 2012 bis 2023 tanzte er im Badischen Staatsballett Karlsruhe. Wichtige Rollen in Karlsruhe waren Romeo, Mercutio und Benvolio in Romeo und Julia von Kenneth MacMillan, Prinz in Der Nussknacker von Youri Vamos, Lucentio in Der Widerspenstigen Zähmung von John Cranko und Albrecht in David Dawsons Giselle. Seit der Saison 2023/24 ist Pablo Octávio Mitglied des Balletts Zürich.

Clara11, 15 Oct 2024

Constanza Perotta Altube

Constanza Perotta Altube, Solo with Group

Constanza Perotta Altube, Solo with Group

Italian-Argentinian dancer Constanza Perotta Altube studied at the Instituto Superior de Arte del Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires and at the La Scala Ballet School in Milan. After her first engagements in the ballet of the Teatro Colón and the Victor Ullate Ballet in Madrid, she joined Ballett Zürich in the 2009/10 season. Here she appeared in choreographies by Christian Spuck (including the Snow Queen in Nussknacker und Mausekönig), Marco Goecke (Nijinski), Patrice Bart (Myrtha in Giselle), Mats Ek, Iacopo Godani, Hans van Manen, Jiří Kylián, Edward Clug, Mats Ek, Crystal Pite, Ohad Naharin, Alexei Ratmansky, and William Forsythe.

Lucas Valente

Lucas Valente, Solo with Group

Lucas Valente, Solo with Group

Lucas Valente comes from Brazil. He studied performing arts and philosophy at the University of São Paulo. His first engagement was with the Ballet Company Laura Alonso in Havana and he was involved in the «Arsenale della Danza» project at the Venice Biennale in 2012. From 2012 to 2016 he danced in the São Paulo Companhia de Dança, where he appeared in choreographies by Edouard Lock, Marco Goecke, William Forsythe, Nacho Duato, and Jiří Kylián, among others. He danced in choreographies by Richard Siegal at the Ballet of Difference in 2017. He has been a member of Ballett Zürich since the 2017/18 season. He presented his choreography Trees Die Standing as a part of the «Junge Choreografen» series. He has appeared as Tybalt/Count Capulet in Christian Spuck’s Romeo und Julia and appeared in Crystal Pite’s Emergence.

The Butterfly Effect16, 23 Feb 2025

Group with Solo

Aurore Aleman Lissitzky

Aurore Aleman Lissitzky, Group with Solo

Aurore Aleman Lissitzky, Group with Solo

Aurore Aleman Lissitzky comes from France. She received her training with Monique Loudières, at the Académie Princesse Grace in Monte-Carlo and at the Hamburg Ballet School. In 2008 she won the gold medal at the Concours International de Grasse. At the age of 16 she became a member of the Hamburg Ballet and danced solos in numerous choreographies by John Neumeier. After half a season in the Junior Ballet, she joined the Ballett Zürich in the 2017/18 season. She danced solos in choreographies by Christian Spuck, Edward Clug, Johann Inger, Jiří Kyliáns (Stepping Stones) as well as in Patrice Bart (Peasant Pas-de-deux in Giselle) and William Forsythe (The Second Detail).

Iacopo Arregui

Iacopo Arregui, Group with Solo

Iacopo Arregui, Group with Solo

Iacopo Arregui is from Italy. He trained at the Balletto di Verona and the Académie Princesse Grace in Monte Carlo and he has appeared in various productions of the Ballets de Monte Carlo. After two seasons with the Junior Ballett, he joined Ballett Zürich with the 2019/20 season. He appeared in choreographies by Christian Spuck, Edward Clug, Jiří Kylián, Ohad Naharin and Crystal Pite, among others.

Mélanie Borel

Mélanie Borel, Group with Solo

Mélanie Borel, Group with Solo

Mélanie Borel comes from France. She studied at the École Nationale Supérieure de Danse in Marseille and at the École de Danse de l’Opéra de Paris. Engagements have taken her to the Ballet de l’Opéra National de Bordeaux and, from 2005 to 2008, to the Peter Schaufuss Ballet in Denmark. She has been a member of Ballett Zürich since the 2008/09 season and has performed as a soloist in choreographies by Twyla Tharp, Heinz Spoerli, and Mats Ek.  She was the Haushofmeister in Spuck’s Leonce und Lena and danced the «Cholerisch» variation in Balanchine’s The Four Temperaments. In addition, she has appeared in choreographies by Marco Goecke, Douglas Lee, Jiří Kylián, Wayne McGregor, Martin Schläpfer, Hans van Manen, Edward Clug and Crystal Pite.

Giorgia Giani

Giorgia Giani, Group with Solo

Giorgia Giani, Group with Solo

Giorgia Giani ist Italienerin. Ihre Ballettausbildung absolvierte sie an der Schule des Hamburg Balletts. Nach einem ersten Engagement im Bundesjugendballett war sie von 2016 bis 2023 im Hamburg Ballett John Neumeier engagiert. Dort trat sie in zahlreichen Choreografien von John Neumeier auf. U. a. tanzte sie Marie in Der Nussknacker und weitere Rollen in Bach 3, Dorn- röschen und Schwanensee. Ausserdem trat sie in Dances at a Gathering von Jerome Robbins auf. Seit der Saison 2023/24 ist Giorgia Giani Mitglied des Balletts Zürich.

Clara11, 15 Oct 2024

Marià Huguet

Marià Huguet, Group with Solo

Marià Huguet, Group with Solo

Marià Huguet stammt aus Spanien. Er erhielt seine Tanzausbildung an der Classical Ballet School in Girona, an der Royal Ballet School und an der Ballettschule des Hamburg Balletts. Von 2016 bis 2023 tanzte er im im Hamburg Ballett John Neumeier, darunter in Neumeiers Produktionen Anna Karenina, Ghost Light und Dona Nobis Pacem sowie in Nijinsky, Die Kameliendame, Mahler 3. Sinfonie und Ein Sommernachtstraum. Seit der Saison 2023/24 ist Marià Huguet Mitglied des Balletts Zürich.

Ruka Nakagawa

Ruka Nakagawa, Group with Solo

Ruka Nakagawa, Group with Solo

Ruka Nakagawa kommt aus Japan. Sie absolvierte ihre Ballettausbildung beim Shimoda Harumi Ballet in Japan, an der Benedict Manniegel Ballett Akademie in München und an der Royal Ballett School in Antwerpen. Von 2017 bis 2023 tanzte sie beim Opera Ballet Vlanderen in Belgien. U. a. war sie als Giselle in Akram Khans Giselle, als Auserwählte in Pina Bauschs Le Sacre du printemps sowie in Choreografien von Ohad Naharin und Johan Inger zu erleben. Seit der Spielzeit 2023/24 ist sie Mitglied des Balletts Zürich.

Clara11, 15 Oct 2024

Caroline Perry

Caroline Perry, Group with Solo

McKhayla Pettingill

McKhayla Pettingill, Group with Solo

McKhayla Pettingill, Group with Solo

McKhayla Pettingill ist Amerikanerin. Ihre Ballettausbildung erhielt sie an der Houston Ballet Academy. Im Houston Ballet tanzte sie in Choreografien von Ben Stevenson, Jerome Robbins, Stanton Welch, James Kudelka, Disha Zang, John Neumeier und George Balanchine. Während ihres Engagements beim National Ballet of Canada war sie in Choreografien von Crystal Pite, David Dawson und Alonzo King zu erleben. Seit der Spielzeit 2023/24 ist McKhayla Pettingill Mitglied des Balletts Zürich.

Clara11, 15 Oct 2024

Kilian Smith

Kilian Smith, Group with Solo

Kilian Smith, Group with Solo

Kilian Smith hat die britische und die irische Staatsbürgerschaft. Im National Ballet of Portugal tanzte er in Choreografien von Fernando Duarte und Akram Khan. Während seines Engagements beim Polnischen Nationalballet war er in Infra von Wayne McGregor sowie als Mercutio (Romeo und Julia), Trinculo (The Tempest) und Renfiel (Dracula) von Krzysztof Pastor zu erleben. Seit der Saison 2023/24 ist Kilian Smith Mitglied des Balletts Zürich.

Dustin True

Dustin True, Group with Solo

Dustin True, Group with Solo

Dustin True stammt aus den USA. Nach seiner Ausbildung an der School of American Ballet führten ihn Engagements ans Dutch National Ballet Amsterdam, ans Ballett Dortmund und ans Los Angeles Ballet. Neben Solorollen in Schwanensee, Giselle und Romeo und Julia trat er solistisch in Choreografien von David Dawson, George Balanchine, William Forsythe, Christian Spuck, Justin Peck, Benjamin Millepied, Jacopo Godani und Jiří Kylián auf. Seit der Saison 2023/24 ist er Mitglied des Balletts Zürich.


Greta Calzuola

Greta Calzuola, Group

Greta Calzuola, Group

Greta Calzuola is Italian. She completed her training at the ballet school of the Umbria Ballet in Italy and at the Académie Princesse Grace in Monte Carlo. She won the International Ballet Competition in Longiano in 2014. This is her second season as a member of the Junior Ballett.

Erik Kim

Erik Kim, Group

Nehanda Péguillan

Nehanda Péguillan, Group

Nehanda Péguillan, Group

Nehanda Péguillan hat die französische und südafrikanische Staatsbürgerschaft. Ihre Tanzausbildung erhielt sie in Johannesburg und am Pôle National Supérieur de Danse Rosella Hightower in Cannes. Im Cannes Jeune Ballett trat sie in Choreografien von Jean-Christophe Maillot, Carolyn Carlson und Thierry Malandin auf. Mit dem niederländischen De Theater BV tanzte sie 2023 im Stück Nureyev. Seit dieser Saison ist sie Mitglied des Junior Balletts.

Junior Ballett

Since its inception in 2001, the Junior Ballet has established itself as the third form of artistic advancement at the Opernhaus Zürich, next to the International Opera Studio and the Orchestra Academy. Young dancers from all over the world are given the opportunity to make the transition from the end of their ballet education to their entry into the full professional life. In the context of an engagement lasting no longer than two years, they work together with the members of the Zurich Ballet to dance with them in selected performances of the repertoire and thus collect the stage experience necessary for a dancer's run. This season, the Junior Ballett will be presenting Horizonte, with choreographies by Vittoria Girelli, Samantha Lynch and Shaked Heller

Supported by patrons and the Friends of Zurich Opera.

Mariko Ackermann

Mariko Ackermann

Mariko Ackermann

Mariko Ackermann hat die schweizerische und die japanische Staatsbürgerschaft. Nach ihrer Ballettausbildung an der Tanz Akademie Zürich gehört sie seit dieser Saison zum Junior Ballett.

Giacomo Beraldo

Giacomo Beraldo

Giacomo Beraldo

Giacomo Beraldo ist Italiener. Er studierte an der Tanz Akademie Zürich, an der Académie Princesse Grace in Monte-Carlo und an der European School of Ballet in Amsterdam. Seit dieser Saison ist er Mitglied des Junior Balletts.

Keita Bloma

Keita Bloma

Keita Bloma

Keita Bloma stammt aus Lettland. Ihre Tanzausbildung absolvierte sie an der Riga Ballet School und an der Ballettschule des Hamburg Balletts. Schon während des Studiums trat sie mit dem Riga Ballet und dem Hamburg Ballett John Neumeier auf. Seit dieser Saison gehört sie zum Junior Ballett.

Le'Ronnie Bussey

Le'Ronnie Bussey

Wesley Cloud

Wesley Cloud

Max Jones

Max Jones

Max Jones

Max Jones stammt aus Australien. Seine Ausbildung erhielt er am National College of Dance, an der Joffrey Academy of Dance in Chicago und an der Queensland Ballet Academy. Seit dieser Spielzeit ist er Mitglied des Junior Balletts.

Ayaka Kano

Ayaka Kano

Ayaka Kano

Ayaka Kano stammt aus Japan. Ihre tänzerische Ausbildung absolvierte sie am Fairy Ballet Theatre in Toyama (Japan) sowie am Pôle National Supérieur de Danse Rosella Hightower in Cannes. Seit dieser Saison ist sie Mitglied des Junior Balletts.

Yelyzaveta Lazovska

Yelyzaveta Lazovska

Alyssa Pratt

Alyssa Pratt

Alyssa Pratt

Alyssa Pratt ist Amerikanerin. Sie wurde am Dance Institute Austin und an der Houston Ballet Academy ausgebildet. Von 2021 bis 2023 war sie Mitglied des Houston Ballet II und trat bereits in Produktionen des Houston Ballet auf. Seit der Saison 2023/24 ist sie Mitglied des Junior Balletts.

Lucas van Rensburg

Lucas van Rensburg

Lucas van Rensburg

Lucas van Rensburg hat die deutsche und die italienische Staatsbürgerschaft. Er studierte an der Palucca-Schule in Dresden und trat schon während seines Studiums in mehreren Produktionen des Semperoper Balletts auf. Seit dieser Saison ist er Mitglied des Junior Balletts.

Maia Rose Roberts

Maia Rose Roberts

Edoardo Savini

Edoardo Savini

Jana Faye Teruel

Jana Faye Teruel

Makani Yerg

Makani Yerg

Makani Yerg

Makani Yerg kommt aus den USA. Seine Ballettausbildung erhielt er an der City Dance School in Maryland und an der Juillard School in New York. 2018 war er Finalist beim Prix de Lausanne. Seit der Saison 2023/ 24 ist er Mitglied des Junior Balletts.


For ticket requests please contact the ticket office: + 41 44 268 66 66 or buy tickets in our webshop.

Ballet office
Falkenstrasse 1
8008 Zurich

Phone: +41 44 268 64 63

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